The Side Eyes

Eid al-Fitr is a day of victory for Muslims after fasting during the month of Ramadan, filled with continuous acts of kindness. The hope for a long life to meet Ramadan again the following year is something every Muslim desires. This candy comes with instructions on its wrapper, suggesting that continuing to live a good life is the path to sanity that can lead us to the next Ramadan.

Eid al-Fitr is also typically a day filled with visits to one's hometown for family reunions. These reunions can be an exciting time for some people, but they can also be stressful due to the barrage of questions that can leave one feeling utterly baffled, such as, "When are you getting married?". To help with those awkward questions, we have created a mini-magazine as a guide for those who find it hard to answer.

Creative Director : Muhammad Salmon
Art Director : Panca Septiana
Graphic Design & Printing : Muadz Syafiq
Photography : Fajrin Arrahman
Motion Design : Angga Permana

SlabPixel 2024

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Twitter : @slabpixel

The Side Eyes